Thursday, 13 October 2011

But I don't like Henry V!

The problem with history is that you either enjoy it or you don't. If you don't enjoy it then that's it really however if you do enjoy it then it can cause some major issues. Such as attempting a degree on it.

My problem is that some areas fascinate me to the point that they consume my entire being and I spent more time lost in that era than I do in the present. Some areas however have a tendency to bore me shitless.

The first unit in my degree is France, England and Burgundy in the 15th century. The day the books arrived I grabbed my lovely new stationary and dived in. Having little knowledge of the era was irrelevant in my mind. I knew little of the Russian Revolution before I studied it and now it's a strong contender for my favourite period of history (bar the Tudors of course)!
Oh how naive was I?!

I can't get into it, the information isn't sinking in and I can't find that magical hook that draws me in, leaving me desperate to find out all I can.
In short I fecking hate Henry V. I also have one page of notes that state that Henry V enjoyed jumping in muddy puddles. Which is entirely plausible however more likely a result of Peppa Pig being on as I tried to study.

I want to love this course. I need to do well at this course if I want to take over from David Starkey and Alison Weir. Or even just to teach. I just need to find that magical, possibly non existent piece of information that draws me in.

Or else fake it and hope the next unit is better!

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